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Giuliana Alfano

Giuliana Alfano

September 1, 2023

Getting to Know Chaga: King of the Fungal Forest

Chaga is packed with enough phytonutrients to be considered one of the most healthful foods on the planet. Discover its rich history and powerful benefits.

Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is a woody, coal-coloured parasitic fungus with a golden interior. It lives in sync with the birch tree through a symbiotic relationship. Unlike most mushrooms, its texture is dense, coarse and crumbly - making for a more challenging foraging experience. This King of the Fungal Forest has earned a reputation as one of the most healthful foods on the planet, containing 31 times more antioxidants than blueberries! Offering over 200+ phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals, it’s no wonder Chaga has become a staple for immune health and beyond in the world of wellness.

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your health care practitioner before adding any new herbs to your wellness routine.

History of Use

Found predominantly in the boreal forests of the Northern hemisphere, Chaga has been considered a sacred healing tonic and folk medicine by many indigenous and Northern cultures. Cree healers refer to it as pōsākan, the Ojibway call it Cha’a’ihtthi, and the Japanese call it kabanoanatake.

Also known as the “King of Mushrooms”, the use of Chaga dates back thousands of years. In the 12th century in western Siberia, the Khanty peoples would drink this functional mushroom in a tea to aid digestion and detoxification. They also used it topically by creating a soap that soothed any sores on the skin. From the 16th century onward, it was used regularly in Russia to treat cancer and tumors.

By the 1950’s, Chaga was used widely throughout Asia to support immune function, and it was officially recognized as a medical treatment in Russia. Since then, more research has been done to confirm the benefits of this functional mushroom.

The Benefits of Chaga

Strengthen Immune Function

Packed with antioxidants that act as a defense system, Chaga works both preventatively and restoratively to build optimal immune health. Polysaccharides and beta-glucans within Chaga modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help ward off infection and viruses (1).

Repairs Cellular Damage

As we age, our bodies require more help to protect our DNA from damage. Chaga mushroom is especially high in a compound called superoxide dismutase (SOD). This antioxidant-rich enzyme neutralizes free radicals, maintains tissue health, and has been shown to be a promising cancer preventative (2).

Regulates Blood Sugar

Chaga regulates blood sugar levels and can be a beneficial functional food for diabetics. Regular consumption of Chaga can raise glucose levels that are too low, reduce glucose levels that are too high, and lower insulin resistance (3).

Boosts Energy Levels

Many people who consume Chaga tea regularly report a surge in energy and mental clarity after drinking it. Packed with a wealth of nutrients to keep us feeling vital, The King of Mushrooms works to improve the uptake of energy metabolism, allowing our bodies to access the energetic benefits from Chaga’s nutrients (4).

Promotes Skin Health

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chaga is believed to preserve youthfulness, and its antioxidant content helps to slow down the signs of aging (5). Chaga can also shield our skin from ultraviolet (UV) damage by reducing the pro-inflammatory cytokines brought on by UV radiation (6).

How to Add Chaga to Your Routine

Harmonic Arts’ Chaga is grown on living birch trees in a certified organic forest in Siberia. The fruiting body is sustainably and ethically harvested before undergoing dual extraction in alcohol and hot water. This allows for a potent extraction ratio of 9:1. Incorporate this functional mushroom into your wellness routine with our offerings.

Chaga Capsules

Our Chaga Mushroom Capsules are perfect for an on-the-go lifestyle, and easy to add to your current supplement regime.

Chaga Mushroom Capsules - Harmonic Arts
Chaga Mushroom Capsules - Harmonic Arts
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Chaga Mushroom Capsules - Harmonic Arts
Chaga Mushroom Capsules - Harmonic Arts

Gélules de champignon Chaga

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Chaga Mushroom Powder

Sprinkle our water-soluble Chaga Concentrated Mushroom Powder into your coffee, tea, smoothies, and other recipes.

Chaga Concentrated Mushroom Powder - Harmonic Arts
Chaga Concentrated Mushroom Powder - Harmonic Arts
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Chaga Concentrated Mushroom Powder - Harmonic Arts
Chaga Concentrated Mushroom Powder - Harmonic Arts

Poudre de champignons concentrée Chaga

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Chaga Mushroom Tincture

Our Chaga Mushroom Tincture is formulated by Clinical Herbalists and hand-crafted on Vancouver Island to create highly bioavailable medicine.

Teinture de champignon Chaga
Teinture de champignon Chaga
Chaga Mushroom Tincture - Harmonic Arts
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Teinture de champignon Chaga
Teinture de champignon Chaga
Chaga Mushroom Tincture - Harmonic Arts

Teinture de champignon Chaga

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Chaga Syrup

Add our antioxidant-rich Chaga Syrup to mocktails, smoothies or tea.

Sirop de Chaga
Sirop de Chaga
Chaga Syrup - Harmonic Arts
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Sirop de Chaga
Sirop de Chaga
Chaga Syrup - Harmonic Arts

Sirop de Chaga

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5 Mushroom Chocolate - Harmonic Arts
5 Mushroom Chocolate - Harmonic Arts
5 Mushroom Chocolate - Harmonic Arts
5 Mushroom Chocolate - Harmonic Arts
5 Mushroom Chocolate - Harmonic Arts
5 Mushroom Chocolate - Harmonic Arts

Chocolat aux 5 champignons


Cultivez un rituel apaisant à tout moment de la journée avec notre élixir de chocolat aux 5 champignons riche en nutriments. Offrez-vous ce cacao chaud nourrissant et velouté, contenant les 5 meilleurs champignons fonctionnels au monde : Chaga, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, Reishi et Turkey Tail. 

Nos Elixirs sont bons pour vous, et bons pour la planète. Ils comportent des emballages compostables et, grâce à notre partenariat avec 1% For the Planet, 1% de chaque vente d'Elixir est reversé directement à la Cumberland Community Forest Society pour soutenir la conservation des forêts. 

  • Ingrédients 100% biologiques
  • Approvisionnement éthique
  • Champignons à corps fructifère
  • Emballage compostable
  • 1,49 $ par tasse

    Pour contrôler efficacement l’humidité à l’intérieur de l’emballage, l’utilisation d’un déshydratant est recommandée. Il est inclus dans la boîte de chocolat aux 5 champignons et doit être conservé avec le produit pendant son stockage, bien fermé lorsque le produit n'est pas utilisé.

    Comment faire un élixir

    Élixir chaud :
    1 To (8 G) de mélange de 5 champignons + 1 cuillère à café d'huile de noix de coco + 8 OZ (236 ml) d'eau chaude, de thé ou de lait de noix.
    Mélanger au mélangeur, pour 1 portion.

    Élixir froid :
    1 To (8 G) de mélange de 5 champignons + 8 OZ (236 ML) de lait de noix + 1 cuillère à café de miel
    Mélanger au mélangeur, pour 1 portion. Ajoutez des glaçons.

    Portions par contenant:
    160g = 20
    480g = 60


    *Poudre de cacao, *Sucre de noix de coco et *Concentré de 5 champignons (Reishi, Cordyceps, Queue de dinde, Chaga et Crinière de lion)

    *Certifié biologique par EcoCert
    Contient des ingrédients 100% biologiques

    Information nutritionnelle

    5 nutriments au chocolat et aux champignons

    Comment recycler nos emballages

    Découvrez ici nos conseils respectueux de la planète pour le surcyclage, le recyclage, le compostage et l'élimination de tous les emballages Harmonic Arts.

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    Kickstart - Harmonic Arts
    Kickstart - Harmonic Arts
    Kickstart - Harmonic Arts
    Kickstart - Harmonic Arts
    Kickstart - Harmonic Arts
    Kickstart - Harmonic Arts



    Comblez votre envie de café tout en évitant le crash de l'après-midi avec notre Kickstart Elixir. Robuste et terreux, ce mélange revitalisant contient du Chaga, de la racine de pissenlit rôtie, du Yerba Mate et du riche cacao ancien. 

    Nos Elixirs sont bons pour vous, et bons pour la planète. Ils comportent des emballages compostables et, grâce à notre partenariat avec 1% For the Planet, 1% de chaque vente d'Elixir est reversé directement à la Cumberland Community Forest Society pour soutenir la conservation des forêts. 

    • Ingrédients 100% biologiques 
    • Approvisionnement éthique 
    • Champignons à corps fructifère 
    • Emballage compostable 
    • 1,29 $ par tasse 

      Pour contrôler efficacement l’humidité à l’intérieur de l’emballage, l’utilisation d’un déshydratant est recommandée. Il est inclus dans le produit fini et doit être conservé avec le produit pendant son stockage, bien fermé lorsque le produit n'est pas utilisé.

      Comment faire un élixir

      Élixir chaud :
      2 cuillères à café (6 g) de Kickstart + 1 cuillère à café d'huile de noix de coco + 1 cuillère à café de miel + 8 OZ (236 ml) d'eau chaude, de thé ou de lait de noix.
      Mélanger au mélangeur, pour 1 portion.

      Élixir froid :
      2 cuillères à café (6 g) de Kickstart + 8 OZ (236 ml) de lait de noix + 1 cuillère à café de miel
      Mélanger au mélangeur, pour 1 portion. Ajoutez des glaçons.

      Portions par contenant:
      140g = 23
      420g = 70


      *Poudre de cacao, *Noix de ramon, *Maca, *Extrait de champignon Chaga, *Yerba Mate rôti, *Salsepareille indienne, *Racine de pissenlit rôtie et *Guarana.

      *Certifié biologique par EcoCert
      Fabriqué avec des ingrédients 100% biologiques.

      Information nutritionnelle

      Kickstart Elixir Nutrifacts

      Comment recycler nos emballages

      Découvrez ici nos conseils respectueux de la planète pour le surcyclage, le recyclage, le compostage et l'élimination de tous les emballages Harmonic Arts.

      View Details

      Curious to Learn More?

      Watch the recording of our most recent webinar: Medicinal Mushrooms for Everyday Wellness. Our Co-Founder, Yarrow Willard (Cl.H) provides a deep dive into the many benefits of these funtional fungi and how to add them to your daily routine.

      Watch Now


      1. Seo, Hye-Kyung, and Seung-Cheol Lee. “Antioxidant Activity of Subcritical Water Extracts from Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus Obliquus).” Separation Science and Technology, vol. 45, no. 2, 21 Jan. 2010, pp. 198–203., doi:

      2. Wen, Jake J, and Nisha Jain Garg. “Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Deficiency Exacerbates the Mitochondrial ROS Production and Oxidative Damage in Chagas Disease.” PLoS Negl Trop Dis 12(7): e0006687., vol. 12, no. 7, 25 July 2018, doi:

      3. Shashkina, M Ya, et al. “Chemical and Medicobiological Properties of Chaga.” Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, vol. 40, Oct. 2006, pp. 560–568.

      4. Arata, S., Watanabe, J., Maeda, M., Yamamoto, M., Matsuhashi, H., Mochizuki, M., Kagami, N., Honda, K., & Inagaki, M. (2016). Continuous intake of the Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) aqueous extract suppresses cancer progression and maintains body temperature in mice. Heliyon, 2(5), e00111.

      5. Park, J., Nguyen, T. M. N., Park, H., Nguyen, M. T. T., Lee, N., Ban, S., Park, K., Lee, C., Kim, J., & Park, J. (2023). Protective Effects of Lanostane Triterpenoids from Chaga Mushroom in Human Keratinocytes, HaCaT Cells, against Inflammatory and Oxidative Stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(16), 12803.

      6. Softa, M., Percoco, G., Lati, E., & Bony, P. (2019). Birch Sap (Betula alba) and Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) Extracts Show Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and DNA Protection/Repair Activity <i>In Vitro</i> Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 09(02), 188–205.

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