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Kickstart glacé robuste

Robust Iced Kickstart - Harmonic Arts

Elizabeth Ferns |

Have you tried our Elixirs over ice? This summer, start your day off right and beat the heat with this Robust Iced Kickstart in hand. 

Our Kickstart Elixir serves as the base for this tasty and invigorating alternative to iced coffee. Powered by Chaga, Yerba Mate, Roasted Dandelion Root, and Cordyceps, this herbal drink delivers a satisfying and sustainable energy boost. While Kickstart does contain caffeine, its effects are gentle, long-lasting, and do not cause an energy crash like your traditional cup of coffee. 

Disclaimer: Kickstart is not recommended for those with caffeine sensitivity. We strongly advise limiting intake to one serving daily to ensure a balanced and safe experience. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before adding any new herbs to your wellness routine.


Featured Ingredients 

Yerba Mate 

The caffeine in Yerba Mate is slow-burning and can boost energy, melt away brain fog and enhance clarity and focus. Much like Chaga, Yerba Mate is noted for its antioxidant content, mainly saponins, that deepen immunity and rejuvenate the body. 

Roasted Dandelion Root 

This herb provides Kickstart with its signature roasted flavour. The roots of this common weed contain anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and tissue-supportive compounds. Dandelion Root has been shown to repair liver damage, boosting the liver’s ability to flush toxins from the body and secrete bile for improved digestion.  


A nutrient-dense adaptogen packed with vitamins and minerals to support whole-body vitality. Chaga is one of the most antioxidant-rich herbs on the planet, containing 31 times the antioxidants of blueberries! This powerful mushroom helps to reduce free radical damage and oxidative stress. 


Cordyceps was first discovered in the Himalayas over 1,300 years ago. Folklore shows that herders noticed their animals grew stronger after grazing on wild Cordyceps. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Cordyceps is recommended for those who wish to increase their energy, endurance, and resilience to stress.

This revitalizing recipe makes one serving. 


What You’ll Need 


How to Make Your Robust Iced Kickstart 

  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until frothy.
  2. Pour in your favourite cup and add ice.
  3. Sip and enjoy on a hot day!


Cultivate sustainable energy with our nourishing Kickstart Elixir and Cordyceps Mushroom Powder! 

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Voir les détails

Assouvissez votre envie de caféine avec notre substitut de café par excellence. Notre élixir Éveiller contient de la racine de pissenlit grillée, de la yerba maté et du riche cacao patrimonial.

Cherchez-vous à faire le plein d’énergie sans tomber en panne durant l’après-midi? Depuis plus de 1 300 ans, la médecine traditionnelle chinoise recommande le cordyceps pour stimuler l’énergie et l’endurance. 

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